This is a plan of my space representing were each area is and how there is a flowing process through my design as CAST owners waned a open free flowing space I decided to take all the furniture to the middle of my space and have bare minimum touching the walls.

My style of design looks pretty plastic and fake however this is an intention of the critique of the jewellery industry with 'plastic look'. the use of different materials is a juxtaposition of clashes and random outcomes just like the jewellery making process of casting.

This is a visualisation that conveys the experience-led space that I have pursed. I have particularly focused on the word 'massing' which is rectangular structures which i feel is a representation of their work and I have done this through the use of panelling.
This project was based around designing a concept store and developing a experience led store for CAST Sheffield. This place will be utilised for new ideas and to enhance the shoppers experience and appeal to their clients who are seeking a particular lifestyle.This hybrid space will be used as a platform to promote CASTs unique brand experience and allow them to create distinct jewellery.